Further to the statement issued by UKMDA last week (see Here ) relating to metal decking and stud welding operations during the Covid-19 outbreak and the associated risk assessment (see Here ), as noted, UKMDA will be meeting on a weekly basis every Friday until further notice, (with the exception of 10/4/20, which will be held on 9/4/20 instead) in order to review the possibility of our members returning to construction sites whilst ensuring the safety of their workforce and associated people.
During these meetings, we will be reviewing the UKMDA Statement and Risk Assessment in direct relation to the Government and PHE advice, possible working procedures, possible protective measures and equipment etc.
Whilst the knowledge available within the UKMDA on metal decking is second to none, we are willing to listen to anyone with a valid suggestion. To that end, UKMDA welcome suggestions on working procedures and other protective measures (for example from PPE manufacturers and suppliers) that could be adopted to permit work to continue on sites. If you wish to be involved or have suggestions or equipment that might make it viable, please contact Tony Seddon, UKMDA Company Secretary on .
The UKMDA Members are keen to be able to return to site as soon as possible, and UKMDA will be publishing information on any developments on our website and social media feeds as they arise.
Tony Seddon
Company Secretary